Ayana Kai Consulting
- Jan 31, 2022
Time Off
It‘s been a pretty active year for me. I want to pause and recognize how amazing it’s been, during these unprecedented and unpredictable...
Ayana Kai Consulting
- Jul 1, 2021
Be Right Back
There was a time when guilt would set in if I were to take time off that had nothing to do with my children. Mom guilt or whatever...
Ayana Kai Consulting
- May 16, 2021
NEW!!! Overboard Boxes Are Coming!
Hello gorgeous! Thank you for being an AYANAKai Subscriber. You get this news before anyone! I am so excited to announce, The Overboard...
Ayana Kai Consulting
- May 11, 2021
Back At It!
I don’t know about you but as a child I was very thin. Anyone who knows me, knows my daughter is a spitting image of me at her age,...